[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmVkMDcwNy5SMDAsLjAA/flamante-sans.book.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmY2MjkwOS5WR0YwYzNWdFlXdHAuMQAA/shoguns-clan.regular.png[/img] [color=ed1c24][b]Alias:[/b][/color] N/A [color=red][b]Date/Time:[/b][/color] September 1st, 5PM [color=ed1c24][b]Level:[/b][/color] 3 [color=ed1c24][b]Location:[/b][/color] Lakewood Plaza Parking Lot [color=ed1c24][b]Tag:[/b][/color] Feliking (Lv 4. Boss), [@Kafka Komedy][@Leaves][@RubyOwl][@Lauder][@HeroicSociopath][@Majoras End][@Ebil Bunny][/center] [b]Alright Feliking! No more distractions, no more playing around, and no more—what in the Gar is that sound?[/b] Feliking’s head followed the arcing blur of a cat that was thrown by one of the heroes…heroes? Could that pink dog really be called a hero for attacking a civilian? Feliking’s eyes lowered to the group of fools that stood before him. The second robo-mutt (or was it a fox) reached out to save the cat with an impressive arm. The fox was distracted…what a contradiction. “Nice arm,” Feliking complemented facetiously before he thrust his paw out to tag the fox with a beam that reduced him to a machine furball. Feliking laughed. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to take down Mr. Gar’s employees. Was this really Lakewood Plaza? A fang-filled grin stretched across the red cat’s face. “I must be at the wrong place. This is a store full of wimps.” The robot that marched straight through the wall of the building caught Feliking’s attention. The heroes were doing more damage to the mall than he was. [b]Have no fear. My shift has started.[/b] “Your shift has just ended,” Feliking quipped before he fired two cat paw beams at the robot. A sudden splatter of cyan-blue paint caught the red cat’s attention. He narrowed his yellow eyes suspiciously at it until a creature suddenly emerged, transforming from a squid into a girl. Feliking dove to his right out of the way of the girl’s …paint gun? He landed on all fours and continued to run in a circle around her, grinning. “A paint gun? How are you supposed to stop me with that?” The cat’s grin morphed into a sneer. “I have a weapon of my own!” His yellow eyes suddenly grew large and his cheeks inflated until with a great hack, a cannonball sphere of fur went flying toward Iris. If she managed to dodge the projectile, it would explode and cover her paint splatters in a blanket of disgusting cat hair. With her method of vanishing blocked by fish-smelling hair, Feliking sought to take advantage of the opportunity by rising to his feetpaws and firing two beams at her. Meanwhile, Tatsumaki opened his feline eyes. He laid there dazed on his side, watching the combat in slow motion like a soldier recovering from a sudden strike. He groaned softly, “Ugh…I…I missed.” He felt something at his rear swishing on the ground and his red cat eyes widened in alarm. He raised his head and couldn’t see it passed his fluff and round flank. Fluff? He raised his paws before his face and yowled in alarm. He rose onto his paws and gazed at his house cat-sized body. “Oh no!” he exclaimed. He watched Feliking battle Iris and VR-17 before he saw Lyle and Ms. Devine. He raced across the parking lot over to them and was already out of breath by the time he reached them. The cat sluggishly walked up to Lyle, and then had the strange impulse to flop onto his side and reach out with his paws to tag the former fox’s face. A purr rumbled from Tatsumaki until his eyes widened with realization. “Sorry. I don’t know why I did that,” he rose back to his paws and hung his head in shame. “I’m sorry. I let the team down. First the power ring and now this…if we fail, it’s my fault. Mr. Gar and my parents are going to be upset.”