Dane had recovered his breath by now and sprinted after the fleeing Edwin, trying to catch the younger man before he could disappear along with the others. A prisoner may be able to provide them some much needed intelligence on Octa's manpower. Not wanting to be lured too far from Kan, Dane dove at Edwin's waist when they'd gone only a few steps from the road, trying to tackle him to the ground. [hr] [quote=@ONL] "Captain Zula was captured and excecuted not many moons ago. We still haven't found a new base of operations, and I'm afraid we don't have much time to spare in that effort frankly. But what we had time for was..." Thaliar sighed briefly. "...a vote. And I was chosen as the new Captain...There's no more to say about that, other than the other factions don't look upon my promotion with joy." [/quote] [i]Ian Zula was dead...[/i] Rook sagged a little heavier onto the elf as she took in the news, feeling a numbness that had nothing to do with the cold. It hardly seemed possible. She'd served under the ranger Captain from before there even was a Revolt, back when their biggest problem had been a band of goblins harassing merchant caravans. It was Zula that convinced her and many others too that fighting against Lord Octa's reign was not only the right thing to do, but there was hope of actually winning. She took a few steadying breaths until she thought she could trust herself to talk without crying. "I might know of a place we could use..." But then Kan came into view through the snow, bloodied but alive and she broke away from the elf, limped the few extra steps to her friend and hugged him as best she could with her still-shackled hands. "It did, Kan. Thank you for coming for me."