Diana Diana rests comfortably still on a couch, her eyes closed and her lips smiling, as though a pleasant dream lay in her mind, yet she was awake, if only in a cloudy capacity. She hears the patterns of footsteps as people walked across the room, a low whirl of energy stirred gently in the room. She could feel a mix of everyone’s energies swirling in the room. Anxiousness, anticipation, thrill, hope, curiosity. All of these thing dwell in every adventurer's heart, and hers was no exception. Her trusty sword leaned on a neighboring chair holding her belongings, facing away from Diana. Argus draped from her neck to her legs, providing comfort and warmth to the reclined hermit. The low hum of energy raised ever so slightly as she heard erratic footsteps dashing from the entrance towards Maya’s desk. Diana lifts her eyes and head up slowly to address this unexpected visitor. She(he?) appears young and small, and possessing the most adorable fluffy little cat ears on their head, Diana just wanted to reach out and pet them. They certainly gave off an aura very similar to a cat. She couldn’t hear what they and the receptionists were talking about, though her gaze was quickly changed as she heard a series of footsteps at the front door. Four figures strolled into the hall, all of them armed and sporting B class tags. Diana’s body began to rouse from her rest as she slowly rose to her feet to greet them with her attention as a sign of respect, though they did not seem to take notice. She was curious about all of them though the towering man in armor grabbed her attention the most, both for his imposing appearance and his ability to effortlessly haul their trophies, a testament to their skills as warriors. Rank isn’t everything, but these guys are [b]definitely[/b] the real deal. She saw the large man sit down next to another scrawny man playing cards which have abstract symbols on them. Interesting. Maya lets out a great yell, calling everyone to draw their attention towards the back of the room. Everyone almost immediately sprang to life and started gravitating towards the back. “Well my friend.” addressed to Argus softly; “Time for us to earn our place here.” Argus straightened himself with excitement. This is going to be their first mission and he will be going to see new horizons. Diana too was eager, if more subtly so. She wanted a chance to do some good for the world, to help others in need of her special gifts. She also wanted to learn some magic and other esoteric secrets, but in due time. She approached Maya and signed up silently for the medical delivery mission. “I want to help those people in whatever way I can.” She told Maya. “Thank you.” She said as she gave a small bow. This seemed the most pressing to Diana. She did not want others to perish slowly and painfully from sickness and disease. She walked backed and started grabbing her belongings. It will not be long now before she goes forth with her new companions to help those in dire straits.