Kamri danced lightly out of the way as Kan ran past her pulling a sleeve over her arm and wiping the blood from her lips before stepping out into the roadway where Rook and Thaliar still stood. "Sorry I'm late boss," she said deep green eyes meeting the elfs. "Got caught by a few of the rear guard and had a tussle and then well.. I got hungry." She grinned wolfishly accentuating her sharp features and baring slightly pointed teeth. These were the tale tale features of werebeasts specifically of the wolf variety. Her eyes then found Rook standing in the snow linen shirt soaked through. "Looks like you didn't really need my help, good to see you Rook even if you do look half frozen." Kamri dropped the pack she was carrying and started to rummage through it her thick curly black hair falling over her face. "Good thing I borrowed some supplies from our friends right?" She straightened tossing the tresses back over her shoulder and holding out a thick grey cloak, "I think you'll feel better with this dear. And if anyone is hurt I have some salves and some bandages."