[hider=Edge Lord] [center][color=070809][h1]Eovon Moriarty Oswald[/h1][/color] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5716/a480b05882ac8d41e1914fb5ff061776452b460e_hq.jpg[/img] [sub]Like that but with the eyes as in the description and the clothes like in the description.[/sub] [h3][i]”You have not yet seen the horrors of true darkness until you see the real me!” [/i][/h3][/center] [color=070809][b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Edge Lord [/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Faction: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Pirates[/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Rank:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Captain [/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] 27 [/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Reputation[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Before he was a pirate he worked as a payed killer, an assassin. From the age of 13 he had already killed 3 people. As the years passed by the numbers only stacked, going up to the hundreds. His signature killing method was to take out both eyes of his victims. Cutting their finger, in their blood he wrote on the nearby walls quotes like "The Darkness is all consuming" and "If thou gaze into darkness, fear, terror, horror is all that await thee." among others. [/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Height [/u][/b][/color] [indent] 5'93461”[/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Weight [/u][/b][/color] [indent] 163 [/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Appearance [/u][/b][/color] Long and thick. He has a mesomorph body ripped with muscles. He wears a dark ragged cloak at all times with a shadow covering 3/4 of his face at all times no matter the position of the sun. The cloak covers his whole body up to below his knees, also equipped with a hood. He wears black boots. He has slick black hair, [hider=dark eyes with red pupils] but sharper than in the pic [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9a/3f/a7/9a3fa79403803950433f43045f3b69a9.jpg[/img] [/hider] and a sinister smile. His skin texture is deathly pale but smooth with no scars to be found anywhere. [color=070809][b][u]Personality Description[/u][/b][/color] [indent] He has a dark side and a light side in him. He is terrifying the more edgy he feels as an aura of darkness is released around him. The opposite happens when he loses his edge. His personality weakens, he becomes less sure and all that dark theme suddenly gets tilted over and shattered. One way to do this is to throw a counter whenever he says one of his signature cool dark themed quotes. Another way is for others to take him lightly or just brush them off as stupid moods. If he can't keep his persona intact then his powers severely weaken up to the point of disappearing, he becomes self conscious and unsure, feeling insecure. You may find him cowering in a corner of the ship if you enter his quarters after a heavy hit to his dark themed persona... But otherwise he is ruthless, sadistic, masochistic, narcissistic...and other bunch of random shit which even he can't make heads or tails of. It all kinda gets mixed in there with one sometimes overlapping the other and taking turns going on top of each other. He is like a safe with a rotational device lock and every time you reach a *click* something changes about him. [/indent] [color=070809][b][u]Relic: [/u][/b][/color] Inner Demons The relic was inside a corpse, it was merged with the corpse. Touching it, transferred the power over to him. It brings out the power of someone's soul out in the open. For his case he got the powers of "The Shadow" when he was moderately edgy and it brought out the powers of "The Darkness" when he was full on sharp Edge Lord. [color=070809][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] He was but a child when it all happened. When he was 12 and going through his teen phase his parents his parents were on his ass for wearing black lipstick, eye make up and nail polisher. His parents:"I mean, those things are for woman who want to impress a man, why in the world would you ever wear them?" Him:"Aghh, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME! Ugh, you never will..."-he said as he rushed out of the house tears streaming down his face. He went to the field in front of the mansion. (his parents were wealthy nobles) and stared ahead to the vast grass plains, the dark forest and the tall mountains after it that stretched endlessly on both side. As endless as the darkness and loneliness in his heart. Soon it began to rain. Even the heavens felt the stinging pain of sadness ripping his heart apart. Luckily his dog found him and came to him. It was a golden retriever. Petting his fur he said:"You are the only one who won't judge me."-before leaning in to hug the dog. That's when he noticed the blood on it's fur. He turned back to look at his mansion...it was engulfed in flames. He began running towards it as fast as his legs would allow. He jumped in, not caring about the surrounding flames as he went to the main hall, there lied his father on a blood of pool. "FATHER, NOO!"-he screamed while crying over the body, shaking it on a pathetic attempt to wake him up. Wake him up inside.. But no luck. He heard a faint cough in the other room and with trembling legs he got up and rushed for the noise, there lay his mother. He leaped through the air to reach her and just as he began to drag her out she took her last breath. He couldn't save her from the darkness... Just then he heard his dog give a whimper. With teary eyes and more panic in his heart he turned to the dog only to see it tremble before it fell. "DARK SHADOW!"-he called out the dog's name. The dog was breathing heavily while lying on the ground, that's when he saw that he was cut on the underside. He should've noticed sooner. Just then he noticed a girl calling:"Little master, are you alright?"-with a meek voice while coughing. She was covered in bruises and smoke and small cuts. "Let's get out of here.."-she said. The girl was only 17 years old, working as a maid in the mansion for 3 years, she was his first love. A sliver of hope in his eyes but then *BAM* a suspension rod that holds the mansion's roof up cracked and fell right on the girl standing 2 feet away from him, crushing her with blood splattering all over him. There was no bringing her back to life now... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Were his last cries as the mansion came crushing down. He was outside at that point no worries. From then on he was trained by a family friend, turned assassin, made a reputation and during one of his missions he found the relic.[/indent] [/hider] [@Vonghese] Yes, that's a problem. The pirate ship will be named "The Terror" as it will strike fear in everyone's heart once they see their sails.