Another underrated game, not brought up much when talking about SNES RPGs: The Lufia Series. And I'm not just talking about the randomly generated dungeon if Lufia 2. I mean the whole thing. Both games entirely. They're both solid turn based JRPGs, taking the best of Dragon Quest and the best of Zelda and making something awesome. The story's cookie-cutter fantasy JRPG but it's still charming enough. Also, Mermaid Swamp. One of the better RPG Horror games (as it doesn't rely solely on jumpscares and chases but has a chilling story too) but it never got a Markiplier Let's Play so nobody ever talks about it. It was made by the same person who made Crooked Man and Paranoiac. (Nobody talks about Paranoiac either but that's 50% dull and 50% a Clock Tower ripoff)