[hr][hr][center][h1][color=pink]Yazmin Kondra[/color][/h1] [hider=Yazmin Kondra][img]https://i.imgur.com/12TDhc6.jpg[/img][/hider] [@Poi][@LordVoldemort][/center][hr][hr] Though Yazmin nodded to all of her partner's statements, she wasn't genuinely paying attention. They hadn't been partners for long, but she had already gotten used to his taking over of conversations. Instead of giving him her full attention, the young woman's eyes scanned the cantina, watching for signs of trouble to walk their way. She reached into the folds of her cloak and touched the wallet of credit chips that she had just swiped off some poor sod that was too ignorant to know that the back pocket was the easiest point of access on the body. She was, admittedly, a bit of a paranoid girl, always scanning for signs of imperial soldiers or planetary law-enforcement. Her scan had landed her eyes on an ugly Ortolan sitting at the bar, staring down at an empty glass. She'd run into imperial informants before, and even been given trouble by some, and they all did the same thing; head down, no noise, "blend" in. To someone who knew what she was looking for, however, they stuck out like a sore thumb. Knowing her paranoia was exactly that, she brought her mind back to the present, in time to hear Gaeldon talking about her knack for sicking stormtroopers on them. It was true that the empire had chased her down quite a few times, but the fact of the matter remained; they were still unaware of the majority of Yazmin's actions. She also had a knack for being discreet. As Gaelden's banter was cut off, Yazmin's eyes shot up to the human woman that approached the table. The girl's left hand dropped into the recesses of her cloak, locating the small blaster on her hip. She spit off a quick proposal for a possible job, quickly catching Gaelden's interest, as evident by his response. [color=pink]"Hold on now.[/color] She said, placing a hand on her partner's forearm for emphasis. She turned her sights on the woman and leaned forward, drawing her black hood from her head, exposing her pale face and vibrant red hair. [color=pink]"Let's backtrack, here. Obviously you're new here, too, because you would figure that Ortolan to be listening very intently to our conversation. I don't want to talk business here, since that guy is probably going to blab whatever he hears you say to some imperials for a few credits. Let's go elsewhere, then talk."[/color]