[@Bishop] I'll tell you this right now. You earn my respect more by taking responsibility. Then trying to put the blame on others. All that comes off is like you're trying to defend some sense of honor; "everyone should have praised me" "everyone should have appreciated my sheet" "everyone should have seen the joke, it's not my fault if they do not get my humor" No. The only person's fault for that sheet is your own. You failed to execute the humor. You failed to execute that it was a joke. And you failed to clearly communicate that with us. With that said, Neo is right. That sheet is not accepted. You really have two options right now. One is make a character with a serious intention of taking this RP with sincerity. Or get out. Because I do not want you wasting our time. Considering the lack of comprehension you have shown. I seriously doubt this was a joke. I do not know you. I have never RP'd with you. So to me, this is the first impression I have of your quality.