Kamri was used to the looks and such that she got from others and so it didn't bother her so much anymore. Especially since most of the stories of her kind were more or less true. The nature of the werebeasts were that of their animal counterparts and it was hard to resist ones nature this she knew. "Zulu is dead." She said bitterly as Thaliar chastised her on her looting. "Besides the dead have no need for material things and as you can see by Rooks leg we do. I'm sick of rooting around in the snow only to come up with the bare minimum, and these are Octa's men do you think they would pay the same courtesies to us?" She could feel her temper rising and she knew that she needed to calm it, so she plopped herself into the snow and began to organise the items in the pack to distract herself. It wasn't Thaliars fault she knew, she'd just been on edge ever since Zula had died. Zula had been the first to accept her as a someone and not a something and the moment she'd heard of his death she'd lost herself. When she'd finally come to her senses she was leagues and leagues away from where she had been, naked, covered in blood, and surrounded by the remnants of half a dozen of Octas soldiers. It'd taken a while for her to come back from that but she was still angry, the bodies a few hundred yards into the woods could attest to that. She yanked the drawstrings of her pack closed and gave the bandaged wound on Rooks leg a critical look and sniffed in deeply, she couldn't smell anything bad coming from it but she'd have to have a look underneath the bandages to be sure. "Once we're back at camp I want you off that leg and Ill get it cleaned up."