"A pan of silver?" Agael repeated. "There are at the least a hundred such things in his majesty's possession, he will hardly miss one." That was no hyperbole. During the Usurping, Lord Octa confiscated the king's treasures in their entirety. Golden heirlooms, jewelry, fine silverware, and all varieties of priceless artifacts and trinkets were carelessly heaped together in Lord Octa's hoard, accumulating dust and cobwebs in some dark chamber of the keep. Only occasionally did the dark lord's men access the hoard to take a few handfuls of gold or silver trinkets to melt down into coins with which to pay Lord Octa's numerous men-at-arms. "You there," Agael snapped at a smithhand shoveling coal into the base of a furnace, "go to the silver heap and fetch for this elf a silver pan." The ash-covered boy left his post without question nor hesitation, and returned shortly after with an ornate bowl from a pile of silver items brought down from the hoard to be melted down into coins in one of the armory's forges. It was large enough for about three quarts of liquid, with a rim fashioned to look like a wreath of oak leaves. The soot-covered boy handed the pan to Agael, who in turn presented it to Assallya. "I trust this will suit your needs," he said, extending the silver pan to the elf.