"It probably couldn't hurt to go and get intel on our competition," Willow's voice drifted into the kitchen, sounding lazy. "So we know what we're up against." "Good idea, Willow. You go and get information and report back to me. You're just wasting away on the couch anyway. When you get back, by the way, we're going to go exercise together. I think I'd like to take a jog all the way down to the post office, you know, the one out on the far edge of town, what is that, 10 miles? And we're not quitting until we get back to this building or you die," Lydia leaned in the doorframe. Willow looked at the TV and opened his mouth. "Or you can stay here and we can start right now." Willow was out the door in a moment, not even turning the TV off. "Good riddance. Go do something useful." Lydia muttered, glancing at Adrian. "Nice to see you with clothes on." She disappeared into the dining room.