[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DqbcKHy.png?1[/img][hr][b]Partner Digimon:[/b] ??? [b]Digimon Lvl:[/b] ??? [b]Location:[/b] Witchelny, Nyttliv [b]Tag:[/b] [@Otaku95][hr][/center] [indent][b]A[/b] great deal of information had been explained by Norn, circus tricks were being performed by the white-haired kid, and the masses were taking it all in like fan-boys. Nowe stood off from the rest of them, thinking solely on what he had left behind to be... here. In a pale white castle, with fantastically unreal things, a caretaker who claims to be part of God, and a couple of quirky strangers. Though he would wager himself the weirdest with his self-imposed attire. Decked down in the black clothing of mystery, wearing a mask of ambiguity. He tucked his remaining hand in his pocket and simply gazed up at the high-ceiling. It was so very far away. So... grandiose. He let out a heavy sigh; just thinking of how he wanted to stay had tightened the hold on him. [color=lightblue][i]I'm horrible,[/i][/color] he chuckled in his mind. [color=lightblue][i]I left an ailing man at home. The only family I have left. And... And all I can think of is what this world can offer me. What I can experience and do here. How I can [b]live[/b] here.[/i][/color] From the bottom of his vision he noticed the hazy white of [i][b]that[/b][/i] kid's hair. He was moving to the opened altar now, grabbing hold of the devices Norn had offered them. Should he take one? he wondered. His face tightened with apprehension behind his mask. [color=lightblue][i]Can I really leave him to defend himself at home? He's helpless without me in the mornings. Who'll feed him or cook him breakfast? who'll wash him at night after a long day of just...laying there in pain? or... or...[/i][/color] Nowe fell back against the wall in defeat. He had his responsibilities at home, that's where he needed to be. [color=lightblue][b]"Norn,"[/b][/color] he spoke aloud, head low and teal hair heavy. [color=lightblue][b]"Send me back. I can't be apart of this."[/b][/color][/indent]