"I do." Thaliar had gone silent after his comment about Burren and the raven. It might have been a few minutes, hours and days, Thaliar couldn't tell. He had closed his eyes, blocked his surroundings from entering his senses so that he could meditate. It had been a while since Thaliar did it last, and the relative peaceful rest the elf got was a welcomed break from the intense last few days. To the others it must have looked like he was sleeping while sitting upright, or simply ignoring them. But he wasn't just resting. He let his thoughts flow freely, back to a time where he had heard the name 'Burren' before. It was long ago, even longer than the mention of the Moss Witch from before, but it was hidden there somewhere... It was much the same Kan said; it was an ancient temple of the old gods, with the crypts rumoured to host the undead and cannibals. But something stuck out to him. It was obscure, but it might have been something useful if it was what he really thought it could be. Thaliar opened his eyes suddenly, looking to somewhere behind the others. "I think I've heard a story when I was young, long before any of you were born. Long before any of this. It too is about Burren, I remember now. A mysterious thief trying to sneak into the temple and take powerful, magical items with him. I don't know if I'm right, but doesn't 'The Raven' sound like a thief's name?" Thaliar asked the others, though his gaze was still locked on a figure amongst them. One they clearly hadn't payed too much attention too. "I suggest we try to find out if there is a connection between the thief and 'The Raven'. But before that, perhaps we should ask our guest?" Thaliar stood up from his spot and pointed at the sleeping figure with them; The prisoner. [hr] The tavern had gotten more life than our earlier insight into the wooden building. Ragnar the Blind and Solvard had continued their conversation well into the hours of noon, in-between Solvard throwing out drunkards and selling food and drinks to actuall customers. Ragnar didn't mind, and let the barkeep do his job. He himself simply sat still and listened quietly to everything going on. He heard it all; the scratching of cutelry against wooden plates, conversation about everything and nothing, footsteps going through the front door. He even heard the hooves outside, the door opening and the woman stepping through the door alongside a soldier. Ragnar leaned forward to Solvard and whispered to him. "We got company, friend. I'm afraid I'm correct about earlier." The barkeep looked at the two newcomers entering through the door, and was about to call at them when he noticed what was odd about them; one was a soldier of Lord Octa, the other an elven woman. The elf carried a silver plate. This was all very strange. -"Can I help you?"