[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DqbcKHy.png?1[/img][hr][b]Partner Digimon:[/b] ??? [b]Digimon Lvl:[/b] ??? [b]Location:[/b] Witchelny, Nyttliv [b]Tag:[/b] [@Shiyonichi] [@Otaku95] [@Crimson Lion] [hr][/center] [indent][b]H[/b]e had been almost oblivious to the calm-eyed boy, his words were shaky it seemed but they had reached him in a small sense. [color=lightblue][i]If only it was that easy,[/i][/color] he thought to himself, still stepping towards the white-haired kid. They didn't understand; none of them could, he imagined. But it wasn't their fault. He wouldn't wish his life on any of them. Not even the white-haired kid. He continued onward, ignoring the soft-spoken boy. It wasn't until he was yanked by his collar and brought close by Ryuko had he regained some form of perspective. [color=lightblue][b]"H-Hey,"[/b][/color] he growled, gazing at her behind his mask. [color=lightblue][b]"N-Not so close!"[/b][/color] It was all he could get out before she lectured the both of them. He had realized, somewhere in-between her letting go and being pushed, that the girl was strong. Not strong enough to move him from his spot but he had felt her intent. He lowered his head, letting out a cool breath before sliding his hands back into his pockets. Then Norn spoke. Her words eased him, and it was his desire to stay, to believe them that kept him from questioning her further. Once the white-haired kid had blabbered on again, Nowe took a moment to consider his next words. He needed them to be just as blunt as this guy was condescending. He needed him to know exactly how he felt. [color=lightblue][b]"From this moment on I want [i]nothing[/i] to do with you, Kid. I hate people like you the most."[/b][/color] He only had one more thing to discuss. [color=lightblue][b]"Ryuko,"[/b][/color] he said lowly. [color=lightblue][b]"Be more careful with yourself. That was brave and all, but I can see this happening again."[/b][/color] He scratched the crown of his head and passed her, making his way to the alter. He grabbed a device, looked at Norn, and dipped his head slightly in gratitude. [color=lightblue][b]"Thank you, Norn. Sorry...for the outburst."[/b][/color][/indent]