Kami had spent the day with her students. With Shira and Namine following behind, Kami had stopped at her house first. Despite the fact Konoha was still in the midst of rebuilding, Kami and her mother had a pretty decent house. It was rather simple but decent. A plain, gray square house with definitely enough room for mother,a child, and a guest or two. Sometimes Kami thought about repainting it but... She never really had anytime. Well, that was until now. Sure forcing your students to paint your house could be an abuse of power but Kami didn't really care. She was going to use these totally-under-her-control extra helping hands while she had them. Telling her students to wait outside, Kami eventually came back outside with a few gallons of white paint. "I'm sure this counts as a bonding exercise." She told them. It wasn't like it was an unknown fact that Kami had no experience being a teacher. Shira and Namine were her trial run; they were going to give her teacher experience. Or, more importantly, knowledge of all the free stuff she could get for teaching them. "Maybe. Probably. I just need to repaint this." Kami admitted, shrugging. She dropped a few brushes on the ground. "You guys go head and start. I'm going to find some Anatomy textbooks." She wasn't about starting easy. If she as going to have her students fully memorize the human body, then they were going to fully memorize the human body. Besides, Shira already knew quite a bit about the basics and Namine wanted to become a medical ninja. It would be disrespectful to them, especially Shira who had fought in the war, to baby them. She grabbed the bundle of textbooks from her room and wondered to the kitchen, placing the books on the table. The books were obviously loved, the binds taped to keep the books together, various pages dog-eared, and yellowed from use. Double checking to make sure she had the books she wanted to lend to her students, Kami went out to join them. After painting the house, Kami had allowed her teammates to use her shower. It wasn't like her mother would throw a fuss over a few paint stained footprints. Kami's mother practically lived at her job and it was a rare event if they ever crossed paths in their house. Kami understood though. If she hadn't been able to heal the love of her life, she'd probably become a tad obsessive too. Once everyone had been cleaned up and Kami had offered dry non-paint-covered cloths them, she offered to take them out for dinner. If any of her students accepted, she'd take them grab some ramen. And, once the ramen as gone, she'd send them home with their arms overflowing with books. In the morning, both Namine and Shira would get a note on their doors. Namine would simply state that Kami was unclear of her reassignment and it would be best for Namine to wait it out. Shira's would explain how both Shira and Kami had been moved to Team Sun. Their squad leader was going to be Hayato Nakamura. Kami had also explained how she'd like Shira to stop at her house first. After all, they might as well go find their new teammates and teacher together.