[b]Currency:[/b] 1 coin, 3 bits [b]Status:[/b] Mild headache/nausea, Jailed [hider=Gail][img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/bd/32/d1bd3224a51d31d5cba4bd61a0e3db36.jpg[/img] [h1][color=1a7b30][i]Gail Caradec[/i][/color][/h1] [b]Currency (start):[/b] 1 coin, 3 bits [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Origin:[/b] Gullian [b]Attire:[/b] Unarmored, has a nice wool coat though [b]Demeanor: [/b]hesitant/friendly/excitable/distractable/smooth-talker [u][b]Skillsets[/b][/u] [b]Talking (distracting/convincing others)[/b] - 4 [b]Stealth[/b] - 2 [b]*Healing[/b] - 6 [b]Climbing[/b] - 1 [b]city knowledge (back alleys and the like – useful for running away)[/b] - 2 [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] Gail’s mother died early, trying to give birth to her daughter. Both died, and Gail’s father was left to raise him. Ryredan Caradec was born and raised a thief, a master of the slight of hand and guile of language. While his son was able to quickly pick up on the family’s smooth talking ways, he shaky hands proved useless for many of the tasks his father set before him, and grew up constantly berated. These shaky hands proved to be more than just a benign curse, however, as Gail learned after cutting himself on the hand making dinner, accidentally healing the wound he had just created, then passing out for three hours. His father was certainly worried when he came home to his 14-year-old child sleeping on the floor of their hovel, but didn’t believe his story, thinking he was just trying to excuse his laziness with a myth. When Gail repeated this same miracle later after burning his finger on the stove, this time with his father present, Ryredan realized the possibilities, and lifted a book on healing from a bookstore in town, hoping that his son’s abilities would be profitable. Unfortunately, when he discovered just how long it took to build up the strength to make even simple potions, he gave up on the whole escapade – what use was this magic if it couldn’t restore entire bones, or cure the town lepers and get his son looked at – and treated like a god? Unfortunately, when he was caught in the middle of robbing the house of a noble a year later, he didn’t have much of a chance to impose his own limitations on his son, or anyone else for that matter. At least it was just exile. Since the age of 15, Gail has been on his own, doing his best to carry on his father’s legacy while learning about his own skills. Theft is all he knows and all he was taught, though he has rarely succeeded in stealing anything large. He has, however, learned that people will pay surprisingly well for a liquid that helps to remove acne, among other small ailments, if they can afford it. Magic, though rudimentary, still has its uses. Those blessed with the skill to restore living things from their injuries will find that it takes a great toll on their bodies to heal anything at all, and the magic is wild and unpredictable. By learning sets of movements and incantations, one can learn to carefully transfer this magic into water or other liquids. This must be done in small amounts, or the process will completely wear out the user. As it is, the amount of magic required for tasks increases with the scale of what they heal – learning to funnel ones magic into a potion that helps a body fight an infection is not too difficult. Trying to heal broken bones? That might take a day or two in total of focus and preparation for a bottle the size of a shot glass (though on the bright side, he can stretch the process over multiple days, a few hours at a time). At this point, Gail is capable of quickly healing small nicks and scratches without much effort, but will be seriously incapacitated if he needs to heal even a moderate injury. his potions could potentially produce a wide variety of useful effects, if he can figure out how to achieve it. they will not, however, put back together someone whose guts are hanging out. [u][b]Personal Effects: [/b][/u] 4 small glass jars with stoppers on them, empty A small completed potion; will reduce swelling from sores and acne if dripped over affected area Another small potion, the most powerful he’s been able to create, capable of massively accelerating the healing process of broken bones if ingested. A knife Some bread he found on the walk home. It doesn’t look moldy? One room hovel off in a back alley of the slums near the marketplace [/hider]