Tent City, a wild expanse of people who could not afford a stall within the city walls of Clock Town. Alex loved it. The place only remained for perhaps two or three weeks out of the year but Alex made sure that she returned to the area before it went up. Technically it wasn't a part of Clock Town itself so the soldiers had no responsibility or desire to patrol the area. It was a second home for Alex because it was like an open black market that no one did anything about. Places like the Curiosity Shop were useful but the Clock Soldiers watched the place for stolen merchandise and everyone knew the owner would tell anyone anything for the right price. Alex liked this place because it reminded her of a slightly more organized version of Pirate's Landing. The best part was that it had just enough of the honest element within it to keep anything truly horrible from happening like the public beatings in the streets of the Landing or the more private crimes in the Clock Town slums. There was only one problem with it. As much as she loved that it was a village of thieves with the odd honest merchant scattered here and there that was also her problem. Every thief is always on alert for someone trying to pinch his wallet. Most took standing precautions just in case they weren't vigilant enough. Not one person in Tent City kept there wallet in their pockets. It was just too easy to steal. Alex herself had a pocket sown into her cloak at the small of her back. It was just low enough that when reaching for Rupees in a shop it looked like she was reaching into her back pocket but high enough that someone bumping her on the streets wouldn't be able to reach into it without her notice. Tent City was a great place to sell merchandise and gather intel on targets and paid jobs for someone with her skill set. Clients, especially the rich ones were always excited when they learned that a Gerudo Pirate would be handling there business. She`d gained a bit of a reputation in some places but thankfully enough no one had matched her wanted poster to that reputation. Tent City was however not a good place to acquire anything unless you were willing to pay for it. Alex`s best option would be to hit a few stalls in the Merchant`s district in West Clock Town. The area around this time was filled with tourists so much so that streets were hard to navigate and stalls were packed with people. Most tourists wouldn't notice if there wallet went missing till much later and most merchants never realized that she`d taken a few things from there display tables. Some places of course she knew to avoid stealing from, most notably those places that were present year round and the stalls that had a standing place at the Carnival of Time. Those people were usually on the lookout for her kind considering how much profit they must lose to thieves every year. West Clock Town was on the other side of the city from where she stood but walking distance wasn't something new to her. Alex gathered up all of her possessions putting them neatly into her bag. Despite how much she liked the atmosphere in this area Alex wasn't stupid enough to leave anything where it was. She`d never see it again. In fact from where she was standing she was pretty sure that she could pick out three street urchins that had been waiting to see if she would leave some scraps for them and were now walking away disappointed. She could of course leave a few rupees for them, it would be the kind thing to do and something that she would have greatly appreciated when she was there age but if Alex did then they`d more than likely kill each other over the spoils. It was best to let them fend for themselves. There was very little charity that operated the way it was supposed to. Alex decided to walk around the outside of the Clock Walls mainly because she was at the entrance to South Clock town. Festering at the edges of South Clock Town was Dusk Row. A place Alex had given a wide berth to, ever since what had happened seven years earlier. That was best left in the past; a walk down memory lane would do no one any good. Alex just wished she had realized that after she finished training inside the Gerudo fortress. Before that man had felt the fruits of her training. Alex shook her head. It did not do to dwell on the past and forget the future... Now she was quoting the Clock administrative campaign promotions. She really needed to clear her head, go for a run, or rob a wealthy house, both were quite therapeutic. Alex found the next gate into which laid West Clock Town. This city was a maze of streets and side alleys. She wished that she could get her hands on one of those fabled Tingle Maps or even a replica. They were supposed to be the most accurate maps every made but if Tingle was still in business then he was getting very old. Those maps were antiques now and if she did get her hands on one she`d probably sell it for a good bit of money rather than actually use it. Just as Alex expected West Clock Town was abuzz with tourist coming from the four corners of Termina. She could see Zoras and Gorons and Deku Scrubs as well as a handful of her own raise that were doing their best to hide their signature hair color. Alex was thankful that she knew how to dye it brown or whatever other color might be required. There were so many cons and tricks that she wouldn't be able to pull if she was recognized as a Pirate. Alex took a tour of the stalls. She wasn't really interested in picking anyone`s pockets right now. It just didn't seem interesting enough. She wanted something concrete and preferably valuable. The stalls were pretty standard with merchandise from all over and Alex found herself realizing that the people with interesting wares weren't rich enough to bribe their way into getting a stall. There was however one place that caught her eye. After pocketing an apple and a role of bread from two different stands Alex went to look at a stall that was causing a bit of commotion in the crowd. It was a stall that by the looks of some of the wares was from the Frozen Hearth Smithing Company. The trademark goods of the company such as steel swords and shields and a rather attractive dagger took up only a quarter of the table. The rest was occupied by little gizmos and gadgets that whirred around the table and spun to the enjoyment of the children. It was impressive but Alex knew that what was really attracting the crowd was the repulsive outfit of the man behind. He wore a pink tunic with orange pants that made Alex feel like her eyes were burning and she needed to puke. It was a sales tactic. For every person that the horrible dressings scared off another three were interested. It was actually a solid idea if a bit unappealing to the eye. Alex walked forward, she wasn't sure why. The place had so much attention to it that she wouldn't be able to pocket anything. As Alex approached the table she removed the scimitar from her back in one swift movement. She didn't care what the crowd thought she was doing. She set the blade one the table comparing it to the straight forged ones already there. She smiled at the lad behind the counter in his awful garments. "I see Zubora ain't lost his touch. It`s good ta know there's still quality items in the world." She looked at the boy and smiled sweetly. "Apple?" She said looking him in the eyes as she held out the fruit.