[hider][center][color=Lightgreen][b][h3]Jessica Belle Adams[/h3][/b] [i]Jezzabell, the lion tamer[/i][/color] [img]http://img5.dwstatic.com/www/1604/324150047609/1460197892496.jpg[/img] A member since around three years ago, contracted on December 31st 2014 Jessica is a pale girl, standing at a petite 5’3” with a slender body and a large chest. She has her blonde hair cut into a straight bob with bangs to frame her soft face. Jezz often wears heavy stage makeup, including rosy cheeks and thick eyeliner to make her wide bright green eyes even more noticeable. Without makeup, her face still has a naturally pinkish tint to her cheeks and lips, with a small narrow nose and chin. When not in her stage outfit (see above), she often wears a long sleeve flowy white off shoulder shirt and jean shorts with knee high black boots. [b]~The Act~[/b] As her stage name suggests, Jessica or “Jezz” is a lion tamer. Her main power is the ability to converse with and manipulate animals, especially felines. Much like a siren, she can convince most animals to fight for her. Currently the animals of the circus are under her manipulation, but the one who is most loyal is her lion, Apollo. Jezza also bears a [url=https://performancehybrid.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/goldwhiteoverhead.jpg]golden whip.[/url] The whip will strike fire wherever the end touches. The whip is immune to physical attacks, and can only be damaged by magic or magically infused weapons such as itself. Jezza’s compulsion she has sworn to is to never fall in love. She must avoid all relationships, even friendships with males is something she strays away from. [b]~Biography~[/b] Jessica came from a fairly well-off family who restricted themselves to the mountains. She had no friends when she was little, her mother was always in the mirror and her father was always on business trips. The only one who she could talk to was her older brother, James. James was the only parental figure and friend Jessica could rely on. He fed her, played with her, talked to her. Jessica loved him dearly, and was always by his side. However, James was in with a bad crowd, or rather— the circus. She was curious as to where he was going every night, so Jessica followed him silently through the dark streets. She hid behind a building and watched in frightened awe as he and a couple of people she hadn’t recognized defeated this monstrous figure, a daemon. But, this one was special, where there were two who fought together. The second daemon has clutched the girl and held her hostage, James going into a panic. With his erratic moves he had saved his sister and vanquished the demon, but he had faced death. Jessica was of course hysterical. It was her fault. She couldn’t lose him. She couldn’t! The young girl returned with the other two members to the circus, and made a deal with the ring leader to bring back her brother’s soul. For as long as she held the contract and stayed alive, James would live happily and without memory of his days in the circus. The only catch was he would not remember Jessica either. [b]~Why would she join?~[/b] Jezza joined the circus in order to revive her late brother, James. She devoted her soul to the circus just so he could live, even if he didn’t even know who she was anymore. [b]~A Connection~[/b] James used to be one of the main leaders of the hunts when he was a part of the circus, and was a well respected member. Everyone knew him. Because she had taken his place, Jessica is now one of the top hunters in the circus. She knew that this was something her brother cared about, so now she does her best to fight in his stead. [b]~The Audition~[/b] The tent was warm and cramped as you wade your way inside through the throng of people attempting to get a better look at the two figures in the center of the stage. Unlike the other tents, this one was not so happy go lucky. There was a stiff, suffocating tense feeling that hung low in the air. People were nervous, nipping their nails and holding their breaths. You have to squint in the dim lighting to see exactly what was stirring such strange emotions among the circus goers. In the ring was a girl, slender and of no great stature wrapped up in red, white and gold. She was fairly pretty, but her face was blunt and almost harsh. The second in the ring was something much more frightening. It was the largest lion you had ever seen, so large it towered above the girl only a few feet away. It’s mane was golden and long, and it’s fangs were critically sharp. A sick feeling wells in you heart as you clench your fists in anticipation, licking your lips with worry. The only one who didn’t appear frightened was the blonde girl who stood beside the beast itself. Slowly, the girl raised her arm, you noticing the long white whip that it held. [color=lightgreen]”Yah!”[/color] The whip cracked down and everyone simultaneously gasped as flame bursted off the sandy ground, the lion leaping to the side with its powerful muscles. [color=lightgreen]”Hyah!”[/color] The whip cracked down again, the lion leaping over the girl to the other side of her, gradually circling her with low growls. Rings dropped from above and sprouted from the ground out of seemingly no where. The tamer took the whip’s rope and tugged tight, before slashing it back out at a ring by the lion. Right on cue the lion bounded through the now flaming circle, majestically landing before leaping again as the whip cracked another, and another. Soon every ring was crackling with bright flames, illuminating the entire tent and making sweat drip off the viewers faces. The rings fell from the top into a line on the floor, the tamer readying herself. With a snap of the whip, the giant lion bowed to her as she climbed upon its broad back, leaning down low against the soft golden fur. The lion crouched down before the row of flaming rings. The tamer and the lion almost looked like the same person for a moment, eyes piercing with determination, bodies rigid. Then, like a flash and with a loud shouting cue from the girl, the lion sprang into the flaming rings accompanied by a choir of shouts and cries from the worried audience. The two seemed to fly through the tight space, and landed gently on the other side of the rings. Neither had a single scratch upon them. Both the lion and the tamer gave a beautiful and elegant bow, the crowd whooping and clapping in amazement. The tamer stood straight, and for the first time the entire evening flashed a gentle smile to the admirers. [color=lightgreen]”Thank you... and please come again.”[/color] [/center][/hider] [@Aleranicus] That took way longer than it should have, but it’s done. ^_^