Holden stood beside Izzy at this point, listening intently to her explanation. His brows knitted together in seeming confusion, but regardless he said, "Hmm. I think I have a general understanding of what's happening now." Mikey seemed less enthused. "Well I'd love to tell you, now that you've [i]backed me into a corner[/i], but right now [i]you have my paper[/i]." He... had a point. It seemed a bit obvious in retrospect but he was just a kid, and if he could remember an address off the top of his head he probably wouldn't have written it down. Reexamining the paper now that she wasn't playing keepaway with it, Izzy could just about make out what it actually said. She could get a number and a street name out of it at least. The map was still incomprehensible. Hadn't Holden just said that he used to live around here? Maybe he knew where the address was.