[hider=Appearances]Imma [img=http://i39.tinypic.com/hvo20k.png] Idera [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/203/b/0/anime_girl_render_by_yuihirasawaqisty44-d589cjo.png] True form [img=http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/X/XM/XMA/xmaniacx/1129655053_ind_fairy1.JPG] She is 3 inches in her true form. Imma is 5'3 in human form and Idera is 4'4 in human form.[/hider] [center]~Imma~||~Idera~[/center] 19||16 Salamander||Fairy Females [hider=Weaknesses] Imma~ As a Salamander, Imma has no control over her power. She is the more powerful sister, but not by much. Idera~ Some may think, as a Fairy, she would be more powerful than her sisters. That is very wrong. She has a weak heart and she has asthma. Because her powers exhaust her, she can only use them to a certain point. All~ They can only use their powers in their true forms except for a few. They are all extremely small.[/hider] [hider=Powers] Imma~ She is able to control the element of fire and can turn into a salamander Idera~ She is able to control the element of air and magicks Both~ Telepathy[/hider] [hider=Personality] Imma~ She's the outgoing, funny sister that is very protective of her sister. She doesn't let anyone put her down. She can be very serious when she is fighting and usually is able to stand up for herself. She gets flustered when she is flirted with by the opposite gender. She also hates when people mess with Idera, so she goes all killer b***h on them. Idera~ She is the shy sister. She doesn't like to talk much to anyone and she only talks childishly or telepathically to her sister. She never likes to talk about the past and she always hides behind her sister or goes back to her "old ways" and gets a guy to protect her. She hates to be touched and usually goes off on anyone who does it. [/hider] History: The sisters were born from a fairy mother and a sprite father. The parents had to give up their daughters because they couldn't afford to keep them. The sisters were put into the foster system until they were caught "burning a building down". they then moved to a group home where they were beaten, raped, and yelled at almost everyday by the other members of the group home. They all learned how to survive in their own way: Imma beating them up and Idera flirting her way into male hearts to protect her. They learned not to show weaknesses or true emotions. They were discovered by Fallen Shadows when another kid said Imma told him to go... himself telepathically. How long they have been at Fallen Shadows: Just got there [hider=Tattoos] Imma's [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/236/7/4/420_Salamander_maori_tattoo_by_die_BeckX.jpg] Idera's [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5a/e9/42/5ae94224cb96294e3d8373735389d627.jpg][/hider]