[center][h3][b][color=lightblue]Celina Letendre[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [center]Medburn Guild[/center] [center][@Lugia] [@Shiny Keldeo] [/center] Celina looked as Lachlan moved near the group and then listened to what the guild leader said. When the others were arguing about the group not being prepared at all, this made Celina a bit worried. It as true… the group didn’t know their moves properly yet. As the others kept talking, the guild leader suddenly stopped them. This made Celina not say one word, just looking at him as she listened to what he had to say. It was true… she and the others had much to learn here… so much to learn to figure out how to do this. And considering what she was, she would need to work extra hard to do this. At least someone here believe in them. That is.. until she heard him say that he had people more qualified to do the job if the they could not handle the job. [color=lightblue] “More… qualified?”[/color] she said worried, before breathing deeply. [color=lightblue]” We will try our best to do what must be done… We will try to deal with that… stargate thing. It is the only way for us to go home anyway…” [/color] she then added, looking at the group right now for this. [color=lightblue]”I know the road might be hard… but if we stick all together for this, we can work this out to deal with anything that would want to stop us.. right?”[/color] she says in a reinsuring smile. She might try to be reinsuring right now, but deep down she knew that the group was in trouble. That bad people would try to stop them. She just hoped that luck was going to be on their side and anyway, they needed to understand the powers they had and try to work this out anyway. So it was best to try to step forwards here and try to make people feel better about this. If she didn't do it, who else would? Maybe that Ralt would.