[center][u][b]Not A Mortal, But A God[/b][/u] [i][b]In recent years, the God Anubis took the form of a college student who had died in a car crash. He walked the planet as the deceased student for a while, before he decided to go the college and take the same classes as the student that had passed. Some of the students thought that the students was dead, since they had heard about it on the news. So, they were rather surprised to see that who they thought was the supposedly dead student. Others thought that it was a trick, or the news reporters were wrong. You are a friend of the deceased student that Anubis took the form of. You thought that you and him were more than just friends when he died, but you never got the chance to start dating him before he died. Hell, you never even got the chance to confess that you wanted to be more than just friends. So, you were both confused and overjoyed when you saw what you thought was him appear in your class. Little did you know that it was not a mortal, but a god. When Anubis told the other gods what he had planned on doing, the other gods did not approve, and actually warned him not to do so, threatening to take away his godly powers and send him from the heavens to live his immortal life on Earth. So, Anubis has to be careful and sneaky if he did not want to get punished.[/b][/i] [/center]