[h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytw69BZPqkw]Sato Hashimoto // Sadaomi Beach[/url][/h3] For a while, nothing was really going on, just the sun beating down on a bunch of teenagers looking to enjoy the lack of school. Sato was perfectly fine just people-watching from the cool shade of the umbrella, sitting beside Mako. The stress of his final year of highschool was already giving him grey hairs, and all this mirror world business was definitely not helping. Being with the team on days like this were fun, in one way or another, even if he wasn't really doing anything in particular. He would smell the ocean spray, dig his toes in the warm sand, and relax. That is, until he heard something about a watergun fight. While it sounded sorta fun, his first thought was those dinky 50 yen things you got from the corner store that worked as well as plugging a microwave into a potato, and if they were gonna mess around with those, Sato would much rather just watch. Curious, though, he zoned back in to reality and looked over his shoulder. To his surprise, Rui and Kazuki dumped a huge pile of impressive-looking waterguns onto the sand. It definitely looked a lot cooler than the first-grader water-ticklers he'd dreaded. Sato nudged Mako in the side before he got up and walked over to some of the others, who already seemed pretty amped up for it. Some of the more standard weapons were already taken, like the classic rifle or some pistols. Sato also liked the gatling gun thing Ryan had, but it seemed to be the only one of its caliber so Sato looked for the next best thing for him. There were a couple ones that looked a lot better than they worked, but eventually Sato picked up a long rifle with a sniper-like snout. He did a test shot to the side. It was pump-action like most of the other ones, and it had a significantly higher range than the others, but he'd get decimated in the time it took to 'reload' the water pressure for any decent shot. "You can go solo if you want, but don't come crying when you get shredded in a 4-on-1." Sato said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He held his gun like a soldier on parade and swiveled around to look at Mako. "I'll keep you covered if you go first."