[url=http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/03/10/drug-company-refuses-to-give-lifesaving-medication-to-7-year-old-boy/]ARTICLE HERE[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/SaveJoshHardy] Facebook Link[/url] (To show the article is indeed real) Saw this, it's been on the news, on facebook, and in other media. Basically, this 7 year old child needs a specific medication that has not yet been approved by the FDA. The pharmaceutical company who manufactures it, Chimerix, has been known to grant emergency access to the medicine Brincidofovir. However, they claim they have stopped allowing this because "they cannot afford it." This from a company who just received 72 MILLION dollars in federal funding. You can learn more in the article above. I've since emailed Chimerix (their email address is compassionateuserequest@chimerix.com If enough people email them, or call them, or post this on facebook, they will probably *have* to grant this child access to the only medication that can save his life. So email away, let's get EVERY active member of this forum who gives a damn about other people to open the floodgates of the RPguild, telling this company to do wtf is right, and save this kids life. Without that drug, he *will* die. But enough people getting together, writing, calling, and sharing this story can make a difference!