[@Banana] Oooh I like this! Hmmm, I see where you are coming from on that, but I think it largely depends on the method of death! Like Grief + submission makes sense if it is a slow or expected death, when you see it is coming and have time to accept it, but at least in [i]my[/i] imagining, I think that if you were to die, say, in the midst of a battle, where it was unexpected and you were unprepared, there would be an extreme sense of helplessness, surprise, terror, and horror. I suppose on that chart helplessness would fall under terror, so same thing. I don't think you would usually jave time to get to grief. Grief is a sense of loss and I mean, emotionally I don't think that is usually a "priority" if you know what I mean. Adrenaline keeps people from experiencing grief. I think it would be Terror + Amazement at first, just inability to process it, then given enough time it would go to your thing of grief + submission. Interesting thought though...