[center]" Ah, Ethan, there you are!" Angel chirped, suddenly materializing behind the blonde and gracefully plucked the Spaghetti-O can from his grasp, holding it up in the light so he could read the label. " Another can of this? This can't be good for you, surely. How about some healthy food sometime?" He smiled and placed the can on the counter, " Anyway, I have to talk to you about something. I've already collected Rodrigo downstairs, so please follow me." Once downstairs in the backroom of the drugshop, Angel opened the door and was greeted by Seraphim and Rodrigo, who were talking about something. When he cleared his throat, they both stopped and turned their attention to him. " Please sit Ethan, this can get quite long..." He walked to the front of the table and placed a stack of papers on it and then signaled Seraphim to turn off the light. There was a beat of silence until the overhead projector rumbled to life and projected an image onto the adjacent blank wall. It was an image of a three tier trophy, encrusted with diamond shaped hearts and statues of angels raising their arms high into the sky. It was rather beautiful and Rodrigo couldn't help but think that they were going to be ordered to steal it, which would be terrible because it looked expensive and something like that was most likely in a museum. A heavily guarded museum. " This is called an UwaPri trophy," he used a laser pointer to circle around it, " It's very valuable and holds many different powers, depending on who owns it. It can unlock hidden powers deep within one's soul and has been used many times in the past to decide the winners of wars. Sadly, the last one to possess it mistreated it and it was lost to the world." He picked up two sheets of paper from the stack and slid them towards Ethan and Rodrigo, " But, it has been found, after all this time, and I need you to bring it to me." Rodrigo looked down at the piece of paper and was confused, " Okay, but this is a flyer for a singing contest. What does that have to do with anything?" Angel sighed deeply and the projector switched to the next slide. " Those who found it have no idea what power it holds and are using it as a regular trophy, a reward for winning that singing contest. I need you and Ethan to infiltrate the school and win that trophy."[/center]