[hider=Militia Captain Savannah "Savvy" Severence] [color=salmon][u][b]General Information[/b][/u] Name: Savannah “Savvy” Vallerie Severence Gender: Female Nationality: What. Allegiance: Militia Age: 30 Rank: O3 Captain, Gen-3 Pilot Level: Adept-level Seeker Pilot Pilot Kit: Grappling Hook (Modified: faster hook shot and rewind) [u][b]Physical Information[/b][/u][hider=Face][img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/muc/images/9/95/Winny_Lopez.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131026203817[/img][/hider][hider=Pilot Jumpsuit][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/38/54/fe38545ff3475c8aa97174eb8639e63e.jpg[/img][/hider] Height: 5' 10" Weight: 177 lbs. Eye color: Green Hair color: Blonde [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] Personality/Attitude: Gun-ho, Reckless, Rebellious, Hands-on Skills/Talents: CQC, Marksmanship, Squad Tactics, Interrogation, Guerrilla Tactics Favourites/Likes: Toasted foods, oranges, explosions, disrespecting one's enemies, killing someone with their own weapon, deadly ladies with pretty hair, cats, puppers Most Hated/Dislikes: Responsibility/Command over more than a squad, those who assume command, commanding officers who haven't earned her respect, the IMC, APEX Predator members, "Timey-whimey bullshit", bugs, reptiles Goals/Ambitions: Crush the IMC and the APEX underneath her steel Titan legs, take back her rural homeworld, and help rebuild it. Strengths: Combat, torture resistance and interrogation, willpower/fortitude, unyielding. Weaknesses: Bloodthirsty- Merciless and unyielding, she can cross the line and not care one tiny bit. Berserker- if properly provoked, she'll go on a rampage that only breaking things or the closest of friends can stop. Fatalistic- fully expects to die in the war, and thus intends to do as much damage as possible, without nearly as much regard for personal safety. Fears: Failing to contribute to the freeing of the former Militia planets, failing to beat the IMC, failing to kill "that asshole who leads APEX", and REAPERS. Because Reapers are the ones that nearly killed her, years before, and killed her entire family, on a small colony world on the Miltia-IMC border. Hobbies/Interests: Training. Eating oranges. Making panini sandwiches. Hanging out with grunts. Learning skills related to rebuilding and colonizing planets. [b][u]Titan[/u][/b] Titan Class: LEGION Titan Identification: LC-4533T6 (Lima Charlie #4533 Tier 6) “Lil’ Lucy” [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/a2/f4/cda2f442679c01c1b7603277f155a843.jpg[/img][/hider] Miscellaneous: Carries a Ronin Prime Longsword (Stolen, APEX), has multiple spotlights mounted on shoulders, upper arms, and the sides of torso, audio speakers are mounted next to those spotlights. [hider=Ammunition for the Predator Cannon, 15mm] API-HV: Armor Piercing Incendiary High Velocity 15mmx116mm = tungsten-skinned rounds with ballistic-capped tips and incendiary explosives inside for armor-piercing fiery damage. Note: incendiary charges are different from thermite. Essentially just a tiny burst of fire and shrapnel, good for shredding hydraulic hoses, electronics, etc. VERY good against moderately armored critical spots. HEAT-HV: High Explosive Anti-Titan High Velocity 15mmx116mm = thin depleted uranium sleeve with an explosive charge and a tungsten penetrator, high velocity. Hits like an antimaterial round and explodes for maximum damage to lighter armor or exposed critical systems.[/hider] [b][u]Armament[/u][/b] Primary Weapon: Double-Take Secondary Weapon: RE .45 Handgun Tertiary Weaponry: Archer Missile Launcher 3 Frags 3 Arcs [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Booster: Phase Shift Rewind Kit: Grapple Upgrades: Speakers and personal music system Misc: Data Knife, modern mobile device + fucktons of music via remote broadcasting to connected devices. [/color] [/hider]