[Center][h3]Fangwood Keep[/h3][/center][hr] Kyra and Claudia ventured forward, hoping to stay under the cover of twilight as the scoped the area out. Remaining behind, the others began to determine the size and rotations of the enemy army, hoping to locate a particular weak point. However, less than five minutes into their studies, the sound of a horn could be clearly heard from the keep. Movement could be seen on the ramparts, and it looked like positions were being reinforced. Worse, a group of about a half-dozen soldiers were marching forward from the breach in the wall, heading straight towards Claudia and Kyra. It looked like the alarm was raised.... This definitely did not get any easier. >The Keep is on high alert! [h3][url=https://i.imgur.com/WaRjvLN.png]Patrol Map![/url][/h3]