I think this is finally ready to post. [hider=Hyperion] [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/oFnvcjP.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Suit][img]https://i.imgur.com/aqwvjhE.png[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Isaac Kepler [b]Super Name:[/b] Hyperion [b]Technology:[/b] -An exo suit armed with the power to manipulate gravity. The suit itself can generate a field surounding itself to manipulate a gravity in a personal bubble around it as well as projectors that can manipulate the gravity affecting other objects or people. The suit also contains a powered skeleton to increase the user's strength as well as to make the armor easier to move. To further augment the movement, the armor has built in rocket boosters to make the armor flight capable when combined with the anti-gravity field, or to make a soft landing should the suit fall. -An augmented reality display, being that a new augmented reality web has basically replaced the old government regulated internet, Isaac has an augmented reality HUD in his suit and outside it he wears a monocle headset with both eye and manual controls. The manual controls are on the side of the eyepiece. -Grav cuffs and spike, the cuffs themselves behave as normal handcuffs, restraining the arms, but when paired with the gravity spike act as a tether to prevent the detained from moving more than a foot or two away. The cuffs can also be tethered to Hyperion's suit, effectively binding the target to him. [b]Acquaintances:[/b] Albert Kepler, his father, and James West, head of a small team of scientists Isaac has personally recruited to assist him in his super heroing, for a sizable bonus [b]Personality:[/b] Isaac is very optimistic about the future. He idolized heroes and now wants to save the world and bring back law and order. Both in and out of costume he tries to maintain a positive attitude, even with people he doesn't like. [b]Bio:[/b] Isaac was born into money, but his parents believed that he should be taught that there were more important things in life than money. Growing up they made him work to get the things he wanted and taught him that it was more important to helping others came before self gratification. They also pushed him to strive to better his education, expecting him to apply himself in and out of school and to always be curious. Despite parental pressure, his life was going well until his mother died. It hurt. He and his father grieved but unsure of how to cope, Isaac turned to stories. Stories of heroes both real and fantasy filled his head and he became obsessed with the idea of someone who could save others. He wanted to be like heroes and save others from losing loved ones. Of course, he grew up and took over the company when his father retired, but that dream of being a hero never vanished, it was always in the back of his head. Of course it was a large corporation with a wide variety of products ranging from weapons to technology like phones and computers and even experimental technologies like attempts to produce anti-gravity equipment. This means a wide variety of talent and with that dream being something he holds onto, Isaac secretly assembled a team of scientists to help him build himself a "super suit" in the form of a powered armor. On the first day of testing the suit, it happened. A team of villains captured the Justice League and killed Superman. Since then, Isaac has been intent to restore society to what it was before, to "create" peace and order. In the time following the collapse of the government and by extent the US he has seen to take care of the people still in his employ offering help however he can, be it food, shelter, or safety. He also set his sights on restoring the internet, however with improvements of course, creating an information network of his own and distributing cheap augmented reality technology to facilitate the quick adoption of this new world wide web, now called Elysium. Behind the scenes, Isaac continues to work on his suit, incorporating the continued advances his company makes.[/hider]