[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GBKbF1k.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wVD2l48.png[/img] [hr][/center] Okay, this is just a random thought, so it's probably not as thought out or it comes off as impassionate, but I literally came up with this RP five minutes ago and wanted to put it into thought. I recently watched Tales from the Darkside (the movie) and Creepshow again (heavily recommend it, as they're both two of my favorite horror movies), and had the thought; what if I put that in RP form? I've had a variety of different horror RP ideas that I wanted to put into action (some of which I'm already using in Vivid Recollections), but I don't think I can keep everyone's attention to get anywhere useful with any of them. So I came up with a solution: What if I present the RP in a series of different horror-based scenarios? Short stories, should I say. We'll write out each scenario briefly, and then we'll move on to the next one. Such as starting with a slasher, and maybe moving onto something more psychological. I'll present a scenario, and have everyone write up a painfully short description of their character, and then we'll start. Each of the stories will be loosely connected, and the RP will be open for everyone to come in. So, thoughts?