[@Leos Klien][@POOHEAD189][@BurningCold][@Frizan][@LadyTabris][@Lauder][@MacabreFox] Alrighty folks, with my procrastination finally coming to an end (Shame on me), I'll be posting the collab very shortly, and doing a post for Naenya to have our group moving on up towards the tower. On the final platform there'll be one more round of rolling, so we can get one cycle of posts done before I give you all your rolls and the final battle can commence. Following this, our group will get the gate closed, and we can begin recruiting more people as the intrepid group of adventurers leave Kvatch with Martin. I want to thank you all for sticking with this, as I know I haven't been the best GM in terms of timing, or lack thereof. But things will be picking up from here on out, and if things become slow in the future again (Likely around Christmas time, as that's busy for most), you'll be notified beforehand rather than just being left hanging. You guys are awesome, and I'll be glad to keep writing with you all! :D