"I'll end this quickly," Barakiel said to her opponent who only offered a low, intimidating growl in response. Barakiel took a step back and shifter took a step forward, following her. Barakiel closed her right fist, and the lightning ball was gone, instead arcs of lightning traced along her body, sending the hair on her arms upright. Her grip around her lance also notably tightened and arcs of lightning also engulfed it. [i]"She can't get close to it,"[/i] Adrian thought. [i]"Getting close to a full sized tiger is suicide. It'll also outrun and overpower her. Instead she'll have to discourage it from attacking her outright physically, which is all it can do. That's smart, Alexis."[/i] "I don't think that'll work," Dillon said, much to Adrian's surprise. "You know what she's doing?" he asked, interested in what Dillon was thinking. "Yeah, but Shifter, when he morphs into an animal, doesn't think like himself. Instead he thinks like the animal he becomes. So an animal probably won't even equate that lightning arcing across a person's body means injury. He's also known to starve himself days before the matches so that his animal side is much more hungry and vicious. An intelligent animal may be able to discern that lightning means injury, but would one do so if it was famished?" A grinned formed across Adrian's face as he looked down at Dillon, impressed by her assessment. "Not bad." Dillon looked back up to him with a smile, "Thanks." The two exchanged a look of appreciation for the other before turning their attention back to the fight at hand. [i]"It'll probably go for the throat,"[/I] thought Adrian. [i]"That's certain death, lightning covering your body or not. Even if it shocks the tiger, that'll mean it'll have to have sunken its teeth into her flesh first. Should I tell her? She probably won't like it if I interfere, but if I don't tell her she could lose. Or worse."[/i] Before Adrian could make a decision the tiger pounced for Barakiel with its open maw, and she dove to the left, and for that brief moment, the lightning traversing her body stopped. Her face contorted in surprise, seemingly shocked about what had just transpired. [i]"So she really doesn't know. Foolish girl. She must've charged into this without knowing about her opponent. I need to do something. Now."[/i] The tiger honed in on Barakiel and with a swipe Adrian's eyes narrowed, [i]"Alexis,"[/i] thought Adrian, and immediately Barakiel's eyes snapped toward Adrian then back to the tiger in front of her. [i]"Shut up and butt out,"[/i] she thought back. [i]"Listen, Shifter isn't himself right now. When he transforms into an animal he not only takes its form, but also assumes its actions and thought processes. Meaning right now, you aren't facing a human who's using reason. You're facing an animal. A hungry one. Give up now before you get yourself killed, because you're in over your head."[/i] [i]"You're underestimating me,"[/i] she thought angrily to him.