[hider=Victor Frankenstein] What does your character look like: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/87/c8/3a/87c83a37ea7aaccdf1707d894052f700--snood-scarf-men-scarf.jpg[/img] Name:Victor Frankenstein Nickname/other name known by: Doctor Frankenstein, Mostly known as Vick. Age:18 Gender:Male Relationship Status:Single Race/Species:Human Personality:Quick witted, Genius, Sarcastic, cunning, and most of the time very, very rude. Strengths: He can escape most situations by talking himself through. Weaknesses:He finds himself in a pickle(RICK) alot, having a mix of a god complex and doubting himself. What does your character like/Hate the most:He likes to bring people back from the dead, He hates when he is challenged against someone who he knows hes smarter than, He likes to be with a group though he will kill them if they find out. Skills:Alchemy, Pretty good cook, Hes a doctor in everything from mental to physical. (N/A I will add alot more, I want to see how he Develops) Weapon/Items:(N/A til ,again, he starts to develop) Powers/Abilities:Alchemy, knowledge of many of the fairy tell characters, able to travel through realms. History/Biography:Raised by magic users, Victor was determined to be as great as his parents, sadly, he had no magical abilities, so he had to resort to Alchemy and potion making which he excels in.Though his family disowned him. Years later, a potion that spilled on him gave him the ability to travel the realms. After that he was able to experiment his next 'Project' Project 1X23H7 on Subject 15 A. He soon found the was how to bring Subject 15 A back to life, Electricity. He brought them back to life, but with a cost, after months of calmness the subject went crazy with it's new found strength and attacked him, forcing him to leave the realm to the monster. Now, he will do anything to get that monster under control, to save his realm, that's when he found out that the monster wasn't the problem, it was the Evil Queen. He had some 'History' with her that didn't end well and so she put a spell on the subject making it go on a rampage, the only way to lift the spell is to kill the Queen, and that's exactly what he is going to do, but first, he needs as much help as possible. Other Information:(Will open when he develops.[/hider]