Nami thought she heard someone up head of them. It seem to be another human and their digimon partner. Not just one, but another one seem to appear as well." Hey Ankh! You where right, there are more people here..I mean, Hawkmon..I'm sorry." A blush came across Nami's face as she sprinted ahead. The name Ankh..She use to call a school friend before he moved away. A tad bit girly, but he didn't mind. Hawkmon didn't mind either and saw that one of the boys approached them..another new face" A fight? But...Hawkmon just drove off some larger digimon barely. " Don't worry Nami, I'll fight along with them. These are our allies..we need to fight with them." Hawkmon took the meat from kiba and jumped down from Nami's back. Seeing the two flying digimon made her nervous but Hawkmon was right. They needed to fight with them." Alright, you can't count on us to help. I'm not sure what we can do, but...we'll come up with something..right?" She gripped her digivice tightly, seeing that it started to flow in her hands. Not only this, Hawkmon started to glow faintly as well." I feel...stronger now." The small digimon's size begin to increase, his appearance also changed to."Hawkmon digivice to...Aquilamon!" Aquilamon did shock Nami..She didn't know he could do that! "Whoa! You got bigger! I guess that meat did the trick huh.?" Nami smiled. Aquilamon smiled and shook his head. "It gave me the strength I I'm ready to rock ~"