well I also have maya 3d which I was thinking about using.. It will most likely be all grayscale though as it is very time consuming, but I think I might try to pull it off anyway.. Props like these aren't going to be found or generated without the effort. I got the program from School in an autodesk version.. Same thing Pixar and sony uses for their movies.. It animates too and can do keyshots but that is a bit beyond my knowledge.. Sometimes being an art student pays. [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/970b82d6-9a03-42b8-9ab3-1ac31a5f824f.png[/img] Gonna give it a shot I guess. Doubt we will go full on tabletop with character markers and stuff as I feel like that would impede the flow of things but If I have the time I will try and make these whenever possible since I do have a bit of time between the posts (depending on my home life..) but I can at least give OS version black and white for you guys. I [@Genbor] I actually like Pyromancer fairly well, just have to make my own overhead items in PS I guess. but the tiles are fine for what I have in mind.