Kat tried to gasp when he had first grabbed her. She thankfully didn't thrash, in fact she almost went limp. She was already working to escape by the time he whispered in her ear. She stopped and looked at him as he whispered. She gave a small nod as he released her. She didn't move, moving in water was noisy, it rarely let you move quietly. She grabbed his arm before it got too far away. "Will he pass?" She whispered in response. Her hand released his arm and she carefully reached over the rub pulling a dagger from her clothes. She eyed him for a moment, wondering briefly how long his eyes had wandered on her nude body, but it was a brief thought and she scolded herself for it. This was the worst time to be thinking of if a man found her to be attractive. Until a year ago she wouldn't have cared, but now these days, she wanted men to look at her the way they did other men, but they didn't. No they had all been warned away from her. She forced herself back to reality. She wondered how much noise she'd make getting out, but even as she wondered, she got out, grabbing Hal's shoulder to balance herself, last thing she needed was to fall. "Where there's one there's often more." She whispered into his ear, grabbing her shirt as she did. "He'll find us.." She pulled on her shirt. She cringe to how much noise she was making, but maybe it was a good idea. Maybe they should be making noise, get him inside the barn. But, she wasn't a fighter, she was a thief, a good one at best. What to do right now for her would be to hide, but with him here, it wouldn't be so easy.