Myth opened his eyes slowly, his head still swirling from his Safe Place jutsu. His eyes felt funny, too... Not from using his technique, but because something was in them. Myth brought his hands up to his face and balled them to fists, then tried to wipe whatever was in his eyes out. It only made things worse. Myth brought his hands away from his face and looked at them. They were coated with dust. Myth's vision blurred as tears started to form, caused by the dust in his eyes. He wiped his hands off on his pants the best he could, then tried wiping his eyes again. This worked a little better. Myth then looked around the room he was in to determine where he was. The room itself was highly uncomfortable. There were millions of dust particles floating around the room, highlighted by small ribbons of sunlight that had weaved themselves through the boarded up windows. The dust made the air thick and dry, like on a hot day, just two times worse. As for the inhabitants of the room, there stood a bedframe in the corner. No matress, just the frame. Hugging the walls were a dresser and a wardrobe, both of which seemed to be locked. On a far wall there was a door. Myth took a look at the ceiling, a random thing he did to help him think. That act would give him one more thing to think about. On the ceiling, a giant seal had been etched. It was intricate to say the least, one with complicated curves and patterns that Myth wouldn't dream of memorizing at his current rank. It had a certain familiar vibe to it, like Myth knew what it was... But he was sure that he had never seen it before. These familiar things he kept finding were starting to throw him off. First the feeling from the abandon shop, then the voices he heard from after he used his safe place technique, and now this seal. However, above it all, Myth had one thought that rang louder than all the rest: "Where the Hell did Yureki tell him to go?" Myth began weighing his options. He assumed that he could simply reuse his Safe Place technique and return to his bed at home, but curiosity was really itching at him. Where was he? It could have been the inside of the store that Yureki told him to get in to. But why would a store, an abandon, boarded up one at that, have what looked like a bedroom? Also, who were those voices he heard before passing out? Myth could have sworn he heard voices... Even one that sounded familiar. All of these familiar drawings, voices, and feelings were really, [b]really[/b] starting to throw him off. He finally decided on a simple, usual plan. He would look around the building, and if anybody tried to kill him, he would use his Safe Place technique to escape. Simple enough. First, Myth would check the wardrobe and dresser. He jiggled the locks on them. They didn't budge. However, after a forceful tug, they breaked easily enough. After searching both of them and collecting any objects of value, he closed all of the doors and put the broken locks back. It seemed like a polite thing to do. Then, he looked at the ceiling and started making a mental image of the huge seal on the ceiling. He tried to locate distinct curves and patterns, and where these things were on the seal. After he decided he had a vague enough memory, he walked to the door. After a test of the knob, the door was revealed to be locked. Myth groaned and took a deep breath in, then turned the knob as far as it would go and shoved his shoulder against the door as hard as he could. This effectively opened the door, revealing the next room.