[right][h2][sup][i][color=f07560]Knight[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][i]Rosaline Buckner[/i] [i]Dorchester[/i][/right] Knight took note of the strange sound in the communicator, then froze upon hearing Vector’s voice. She quickly took the communicator and spoke. [color=f07560]‘We held him up as long as we could. He fled down in .’[/color] She kept herself short, knowing Vector might aim on. This message of hers would be while Vector was widening her search area. … She had been attempting to contact them for two minutes? Knight knew of nothing like that. Was it possible long-range communications were being jammed? It worked on close-range. Hm. She made a note about that and then kept doing what she was doing with the clean-up, assuming Vector would tell her otherwise if she had better things to do. [i]concerned:[/i] [@Sickle-cell] [i]near but unconscious:[/i] [@Banana]