I would think that even extremely rational beings would have to engage actual events; the allegations that suppressed instinctive response would lead to disregard of "things" seem to be based on the premise that normal character's reaction is anywhere close to that of normal people; however, it should be noted that we are detached from the perception of actual events by our characters by both the factor of lack of full sensory input, as well as by having time to think through the situation, as opposed to having to act in the spur of moment; circumventing that problem requires players to be exceedingly versed in the art of method acting, which, in my experience, is untrue for majority of player base. Therefore, the main difference for this character is not the depth of immersion in the events, but rather take on his reactions, from the player's point of view. As for the cool factor, I'm not sure what did you intend to say there, so please elaborate, if you will.