Quincy Knight’s pencil scratched mindlessly at a poorly drawn football where his notes should be. He was looking forward to class ending- eager to get to practice and out of the stuffy room where he could feel eyes behind him. They all gazed at him with disgusting pitty. The bell rang and Quincy couldn’t help but sigh in relief and reach down for his backpack. The physics teacher, Mr. Scott, held up a hand and said, “alright, settle down..” he leaned back in frustration his blue eyes automatically flickering to the door with longing. It was just in time as Olivia Hall, one of Suzie’s good friends came in. Quincy had hung out with her on quite a few occasions. She was a kind girl if a bit overly sensitive. Seeing her teary eyes meet his, briefly, he knew she wasn’t visiting the class with good news. It probably had to do with the funeral. It had nearly brought him to tears to hear of it- he may not have loved Suzie the way she loved him, but she didn’t deserve this. And to hold the funeral so... soon? Nobody deserved this. Not tearful Olivia or all her friends who couldn’t make it to school and most importantly his reputation. What kind of reputation was having a dead girlfriend? All it got him was somber talk and ‘I’m sorry for your loss.’ No, it would have been better if this tragedy could have been avoided. He was wrenched from his thoughts when a soft hand touched his and a letter was laid down on his desk, “I’m sorry Quincy. I hope your doing okay.” tearful Olivia told him. He gave a tense nod, as she pulled away. He had stayed with her the night after the news reached them. She had called, nearly indistinguishable from a gurgling fish on the phone. She had cried for hours, leaning on him until she had passed out and he graciously took his leave from her house. People who had already received an invitation were packing up to go, so Quincy grabbed his backpack and the invitation and stood up- intent on leaving this time. Before he could walk out he caught sight of the [i]Pervert [/i]and bile rose up in his throat. He wished that he had done more than just kick him a few times. Maybe then this could have been avoided. He hated the way he was twitching and mumbling and gazing at Olivia with... anger? Sadness? Or maybe he was waiting to invade her privacy as well. He didn’t love Suzie, but she didn’t deserve whatever that Pervert did to her. She was [i]nothing [/i]but kind to him. The police hadn’t even detained him for questioning. Maybe they figured he was too wimpy to do anything of that nature to her. Harmless pictures. Quincy had to look away, he was feeling sick and angry. He didn’t want to start pummeling him in the middle of the room. He wasn’t a bully and he didn’t want the school calling him that. He needed to handle this with poise and grace- and maybe something could be done out back with his boys. Where prying eyes wouldn’t catch them. If the police weren’t going to do something about him... he was. For now he would throw his frustrations into football practice.