BRB [hider=Character WIP] [color=???] Max Marryson [/color][.hr] "Cmon, don't be a chicken."[.hr] [color=???]| {Full Name} |[/color] Max Garfunkel Marryson [color=???]| {Nickname} |[/color] Mary [color=???]| {Age} |[/color] 14 [color=???]| {Gender} |[/color] Male [color=???]| {Appearance} |[/color] With a mess of curly brown hair siting atop his still somewhat roundish face Max has that very typical "gawky kid" look, ecspecially when conscidering the few strands of hair under his nose that he laughably calls a mustache. His awkward look is made even worse by his long lanky arms and legs that seem to grow far to quick for any meat to actually stick-a problem that makes him look very skinny at his 5'9" height. It really doesn't help that his mom keeps buying him shirts that, although technichly "hip", are always seemingly to large. Luckily his jeans always miraculousley tend to fit and for the most part he can cover up his way to big T shirts with his prized and ever present [i]Evel Knieval jacket.[/i] He also typically has on an all blue ball cap with the words "Kansas City Royals" stitched with white on the front, his curly brown hair exlpoding out from beneath on all sides. [color=???]| {Clothing Style} |[/color] Beat up white leather Evel Knievel jacket, jeans, blue ball cap, black chuck taylors on his feet, and a different shirt everyday [color=???]| {Likes} |[/color] -Writing -Comics -Action Figures -His Bike -His BB gun [color=???]| {Dislikes} |[/color] -The Owen brothers -School -Running out of quarters -Vegetables -His sister [color=???]| {Fears} |[/color] -Spiders -The old sulfur mines [color=???]| {Personality} |[/color] Always one to jump headlong into the unknown Max is very much a 'daredevil' of a child, a fact his friends sometimes find rather troublesome. Described as having an attention problem by teachers he is no stranger to the long shameful walk to the principals office, though the few "physical altercations" have always revolved around the Owen brothers. At his core Max is a good person who really hasn't lost what makes him a kid yet, secretly he'd rather play with his action figures than talk about girls. Admittedly he is not the brightest but it is a fact he often makes up for with his sheer charisma and enthusiasm, though sometimes he bites off more than he can chew when it comes to standing up for his friends. [color=???]| {History} |[/color] Max was born in Brimstone to a father that spends almost all of his time on the road driving freight trucks across country and a mother who has run the local library for the past 20 years. Because of a lack of father and a seemingly always busy mother Max has grown up ridding the streets, playing in the woods, and getting up to all sorts of nonsense like shooting cans with his trusty BB gun to building forts with his friends. His first tormentor came in the form of his older sister only to be replaced overtime by the infamous Owen Brother bullies. To this day most of his time is spent riding around on his bike looking for things to do whenever he is out of the money he is constantly chasing so he can buy more bb's, comics, and arcade game plays. Sometimes he even finds a way or two to make some money, be that cleaning a garage or raking leaves-if he can he always tries to rope his friends into his money making ventures, often enticing them with yet another fabled trip to The Comic Cavern. [color=???]| {Other} |[/color] Max rarely spends time with his parents-his older sister has actually been the one to raise him more than anyone else. [/hider]