[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DqbcKHy.png?1[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9HFgJ4N.png[/img][hr][b]Partner Digimon:[/b] [url=https://wikimon.net/Zubamon]Zubamon[/url] [b]Digimon Lvl:[/b] Rookie (In-Training) [b]Location:[/b] Witchelny, Nyttliv [b]Tag:[/b] [@Crimson Lion] [@Shiyonichi] [@Duthguy] [@AcetheKidd][hr][/center] [color=gold][b]G[/b][/color]ilt followed close to Kiba his eyes straight ahead while he carried Wanyamon in his arms. The blue furball was nearly the size of his torso, yet Gilt still held the essence of a doting parent. [color=gold][b] "It doesn't matter. These talks of how or why. We should focus on what we'll do if we bump into Beelzemon. He's a Mega, if he's not friendly... we're done for."[/b][/color] he stated monotony. [b]W[/b]anyamon managed to upkeep his childishness. It was a chipper bouncing, a moving of his upper half from side to side as he smiled and hummed a lithe tone. [color=lightblue][b]P[/b][/color]hase shuffled faintly, a small shoulder tug, a slight grunt. There was jostling, very uneven steps beneath him. It nearly woke him but the pain urged him back to sleep. His brows furrowed, his face scowled. It wouldn't be long now. Gilt paid careful attention to Phase's movements. He paused for a moment until they balanced out again, until they ceased beneath Kiba's strides. [color=gold][b]"He can't end up like this again. We're vulnerable like this and its cumbersome seeing him all weak and exhausted."[/b][/color] Gilt sighed deeply.