"Actually, I brought here a while back and I met up with Hawkmon. He told that there was others here in the digital world and by luck, we manged to find ya. So this is gravimon's place. The digimon we ran into kept mentioning his name." Nami smiled faintly." Don't worry, we won't slow you down. " Hawkmon noddes and started to think about Beelzemon. He heard his name before, but where. He suddenly remembered now."Oh yes, Beelzemon is one of the great demon lords, but I don't actually think he's with the group anymore. Rumors have it that he left some years ago." " Demon Lords huh? Oh great, they sound super friendly. Are we going to run into them to?" Nami asked " Well..I don't know, maybe we will. The only active ones are lucemon and lilithmon...so I've heard." Hawkmon shrugged