Kanna was scribbling on her notebook: a clearly well-cared-for grid-design [i]Moleskin[/i]. Her 'notes' were more like drawings led by arrows. It was in sequence that made sense only to her. There were little words as possible, some simple ones were even scratched and out rewritten twice over: '[s]Grva[/s] [s]Graivty[/s] [b]GR AV ITY/b]', followed by a simple drawing of an arrow pointing down that acted as a border in between the page. 'DIIIIINNNNGGGG!' She hurried to finish her writing down, happily tucking her school supplies back into her bag to go to the next class. As she looked up, someone else was already at the front of the class-- by the looks of it, the girl wasn't having a good day. Kanna could only stop smiling out of sympathy for the weeping girl. As this girl started talking, Kanna finally realized who this was. Olivia was very close to Suzie, it seemed, or else she wouldn't be going to the classrooms to hand invitations for the funeral. Of course, Kanna would make time to go to this; she felt obligated to, after just recently getting to know Suzie. Kanna felt a connection at the time: a small thought that maybe they could be friends. That thought had then been snuffed completely. It was replaced with an unsettling feeling that just some days ago their biggest problem was quantifying how fast a ball would drop at 5 feet. Her turn came, looking up at Olivia, whose lips trembled and a little teardrop forming at the side of her eye. It almost made Kanna want to weep with her-- but that wouldn't do anything at the moment; it would just delay the class, or even have them be late for the next period. [color=6ecff6]"I'm very sorry to hear about this.."[/color] That was all she could say before their moment expired.. This didn't sit well with Kanna, not one bit. A feeling of overwhelming disbelief surged over that prompted her to want to help out with what little she could offer. At the end of the little giveaway, she confronts Olivia. There was a small window in between classes; Kanna wanted some few words in. [color=6ecff6]"Is there any way I could do anything more for you..? This is a very difficult time for everyone; I hope you would let me help."[/color] Calmly, she tried to get a few invites to hand out to the other classrooms.