Bump. Bump. Bump. The road wasn't the smoothest where Gwyn was driving. Or maybe that was his heart. Difficult to say, really. No, wait, yeah definitely his heart. What would they think? What would they say? Would they already know who he is? Oh god, what if they already knew who he is?! Olivia, Quincy, or any of the others could have told them what they thought. But the Moore's would be reasonable, right? They'd be reasonable... Yet he was going to see them because they weren't reasonable. They weren't being reasonable at all! Oh no. Oh no they were going to hate him. What if one of them has a gun and shoots him? They they chase him down with a bat? No no no no no nononononononogoodnogoodNOGOOD-[i]screeeeech![/i] Gwyn had to pull over on the side of the road as his mind and heart went running wild. His vision got fuzzy and his hearing went wonky as the stress became too much to handle. Another car zoomed by, honking its horn at him along with a rude hand gesture from the driver. Sorry asshole. Next time I nearly [b]faint from anxiety[/b] I'll be sure to signal properly! UGH! Gwyn let out a cathartic yell and punched the dashboard. His hand stung, but in a way he felt at least a little better. Once a few more cars passed by, as did some time, he felt up to driving again. [hr] The young Thatcher pulled up to the household of the Moore's. He had never been before, but then again he never had a reason until just now. Still, it wasn't difficult to find. Suzie's parents were as well known and influential in the town as she was at school. He slowed to a crawl next to the two floor suburban home, making sure to give the two car driveway a wide berth. Taking a deep breath, his eyes fell upon their lawn ornament, some kind of fish. Yeah, made sense. Innsmouth was a major fishing community. Something that he... Wanted to take part in again. Shaking his head, Gwyn forced memories old out of mind and took his first step out of the car. The beeping of the security system let him know that the doors had locked and he trudged up the walkway, approaching the red brick house. More nervous than usual, he came to a stop in front of the door. His hands, his legs, his everything, it was all shaking. What... What was he doing here? No, this would turn out horrible. They'd hate him, they'd kick him out, they'd have him arrested! If they knew who he was. If not, then they'd hate him anyway. He was the nervous freak nobody liked, the creep, the pervert taking pictures of their daughter in secret. It doesn't matter that that's not what he was doing, he wasn't doing that it's all wrong they've got the wrong idea all wrong wrong wrong wrong! Doesn't matter, they'll hate him. Might as well go home now, consider this whole thing a bust. Just leave, leave the grieving family alone so they don't have to deal with your worthlessness too. Gwyn turned back around... And took a step back toward his car. Covered in a cold sweat, Gwyn went to wipe it from his face. That's when he saw it, when he realized he was still holding it. The picture. The picture he had taken of Suzie, even back before they caught him, the one he wanted to bring to the service. Suzie smiled back at him with confidence. She was telling him to go do it. I'm still out there. Remind them not to give up hope. This was ridiculous, it was just a picture! A picture taken two months ago! She wasn't saying any of those words and she sure as hell didn't plan to reassure him like that! But still... That's how he felt looking at her in this way. Gwyn sighed. Then he sighed again. One more time for good measure. There we go, normal heartbeat now. Then he turned back around, took one step back to the doorway, and he rang the bell.