[center][h3]~La-Zha~[/h3][/center] [hr] With La-Zha gone, Camilla leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples as a mild headache formed. It happened sometimes, especially around La-Zha. She had yet to pinpoint if it was just because of the general stress of life recently, or from something...[i]else[/i]. It could be either really. She knew so little about La-Zha despite having spent a number of years with the creature. Chances were though, it was just stress...but she knew better than to simply assume something about anything. That's how you got careless, and carelessness in either of her professions could end...messily. She stood, grumbling and heading over to her bedroom quickly retrieving some home-made headache medicine from her nightstand and noticing an envelope on her pillow. She picked it up, quickly taking note of what it was. [b]"Tomorrow....3 PM, eh? In the marsh at an abandoned steel refinery..."[/b] Had La-Zha bought it? No, it wouldn't bother itself with such seemingly trifling matters. Well, she did give others access to her home for certain...uses, should they have need of it. So long as they knew the proper way to get in. Well, that was fine too. She'd finish up work tomorrow and head straight there. For now though, she had to yell at her co-workers for loosing some important court documents. [hr] As La-Zha left Camilla's home, it pulled the hood over its head, concealing most of its facial features and concealing its arms under the articles long sleeves. Most people out didn't pay it any mind from a distance at least...and those it got to close were waved from their curiosity by a few words. 'Forget'. wasn't difficult to do such a thing, when your voice carried power by itself. Of course, it wasn't perfect and those with innate talents would be somewhat immune to the effects, or those whose curiosity wouldn't be sated so easily. But of course, those people were also the ones La-Zha found to be palatable to it's desires. For now though...there was something else that caught its attention. A change in the air. Saturated with a salty scent. A hauntingly dangerous melody were carried on the winds. Suzie Moore. To say its interest had been peaked over this disappearance was an understatement. Oh there were so many things going on in Innsmouth. So many delicious secretive things that the tides spoke of, but nothing ever so public as this. Either something had gotten careless, or something was deliberately public about this whole affair and it was gloriously intriguing. Not to mention...the girls former parents would be delightful playmates. It was curious as to how they would handle this? Handle something so obviously not mundane? Perhaps...it could make them an offer? It grinned, its sharp teeth forming a macabre smile on its maimed visage as its feet carried it towards the Moore residence.