I don't mean to be a pest since I am just some random Guest passing through and as such don't really have the right to comment on what is going on in this Forum, but how come Jeanne is so overpowered despite being degraded to a Saber Class and no longer being a Ruler? Starting with her Status Parameters, how come her Mana and Agility ranks are at a full A despite none of her legend or significant feats reflecting on this maxed stat? While her Mana stat is arguably easiest to explain since her piety alone was enough to boost her Magic Resistance Rank to an impressive EX Rank, thus justifying that she might have a more potent Mana stat, her Agility is on par with Lancers and Assassins despite being a Saber. Not saying that a Saber having A Rank Agility is unheard of, but considering that there is no tale that praises her speed or reflexes, I find it odd that it is elevated to such a high Rank. Personally I would have her Agility Rank adjust to the her new Servant Vessel of Saber and lower it to B. Even with this single decrease in Rank to a single one of her Stats, she is still one of the most formidable Sabers out there when looking at her Stats alone, but seeing as she is no longer a Ruler I believe that she is bound to suffer from a downgrade. In fact, the only reason why I believe she wouldn't be downgraded more is because of her top-tier fame, yet by keeping her Stats identical from Ruler to Saber it only cheapens the unparalleled might that is supposed to be the Ruler Class. Not saying they can't be beaten by normal Servants, but the Ruler Class is clearly one step above the rest. In any case, moving onto her Skills. How come she has so many of them? With a total of 6 Personal Skills she has more abilities than Gilgamesh has swords, some of which she arguably doesn't qualify for. Let me go through them one by one. [b]Mana Burst (Flames)[/b] - Seeing as she is a Saber based on her self before she was burned on the stake, thus denying her access to her self-sacrificial Noble Phantasm La Pucelle, I don't see why she would still have access to an ability that draws on the very flames that killed her. If I understand correctly she is an existence akin to to a "Lily" character that is a younger interpretation of a given Servant, more often than not depriving them of skills or abilities they might have had in their later life. As such, since Saber Lily does not wield Excalibur, I don't see why Jeanne should be allowed to draw from her future self for abilities. [b]Revelation[/b] - This is a Ruler Class Skill. It is very unlikely for any Servant to have this Skill especially if there is not a single tale or myth that goes along with it. If she had anecdotes attributing the ability of mind-reading to her it might be somewhat justifiable, but even then, putting it at a Rank as high as A is rather optimistic. As for the other Skills you've listed, while she certainly qualifies for them all, Servant Vessels are limited. If not, every single Servant would be running around with 10 or more Personal Skills and just as many Noble Phantasms. While there are certainly exceptions to the rule, 6 Personal Skills is a bit too ambitious. I realise it is almost impossible to choose from this list of Skills since all seem to fit perfectly, but if you don't, you might as well add 5 more onto that list while you're at it. So yeah, if I came across as being an asshole I apologise for my brazen behaviour... though I guess that this doesn't really excuse the fact that I was rather rude. I just happened to stumble across this RP and browsed through it out of curiosity, and the fact that Saber Jeanne seemed no different at all from Ruler Jeanne just caught my eye so I wanted to comment on that, maybe even get an explanation out of you to scratch my curious itch.