[quote=Pepperm1nts] Vice News has some really good coverage of Crimea. Five 'dispatches' so far.And according to their latest video (Dispatch Five), the Russians appear to be trying to actively provoke the Ukranian military. Apparently Russian troops jumped over the wall of a Ukranian airforce base with their weapons drawn, threatening to shoot after the Ukranians refused to give the base up. Supposedly they've been doing similar things across Crimea, but they never take it too far. They go in trying to provoke the Ukranians, and then leave when they realize the Ukranians aren't falling for it. So my guess is they're trying to justify a more forceful takeover or something, and what better way to do that then to get the Ukranians to fire the first shot? [/quote] Just to throw in too. Vice has a few interesting articles worth looking into in regards to Russia/Ukraine. I particularly enjoyed [url=http://www.vice.com/read/ukrainian-revolution-awakens-totalitarian-demons]this[/url] relating to the second world war era troubles in the region and the struggle between Fascist and Communist powers. It's very interesting to see how they've been caught in this, frankly, shitty corner with constant pressure. While I realize nearly eighty years have passed, the attitudes, struggles, and symbols behind the modern day's conflict still persist in ways. Anyway, check it out!