[center][b]"I am Utaka Tsukino. I doubt you've heard that name before. Even in the academy, I was called Kino."[/b][/center] Upon hearing his name, anyone from their graduating class would know who Kino was. He was the strongest of his age division, but more over, was the shinobi that made his name not only once, but twice, and each time for a different reason. The first claim to fame he had within the little world that the academy made was when he pronounced he would be a shinobi archer, which most took as a joke. It wasn't until day after day that Kino brought his bow to school with him, practiced with it, and could perform stunts like shooting down shuriken from the more advanced students that the concept of shinobi archer was accepted as a possibility. With his unique performance, high-skill level and high test scores, Kino was placed into the top bracket of his class, and that was is the origin of where Kino made his real claim. Most - even some of the teachers - believed Kino only had his position in the top bracket due to his unique fighting style with the bow, thus a test was conducted, even if a bit cynical... Sixteen of the top bracket students were pit against each other in a tournament-style series of fights, which eventually was dubbed the Academy Arena and made into a staple for the next year. Kino placed seventh. Seventh out of sixteen of the finest of the academy. Kino, who was thought to only be a practical shinobi on paper, proved his worth and proved several of his instructors wrong, and that is where he made his name. After those fights, Kino was rarely seen; he only showed up for testing alongside over a hundred other students. He was allowed to practice alone and normally only sparred with the top of his class. The fact neither of them knew him by appearance alone made perfect sense, as Kino rarely socialized. But his name. Kino. To his peers, to those who were in his class and heard the stories, that should be known. [indent][i]"We're in the same squad, Maruki. I'm sure Kirugetsu-sensei will have us training relentlessly, and I doubt it will be alone,"[/i] Kino replied to Maruki. Maruki, although he rejected assistance from Kino, at least looked forward to the notion of training with Kino. The other girl, Shisen, however, seemed more than reluctant to give him an opportunity. Speaking ill words that she thought no one would pick up, Kino only glared at her with disgust. Kino stopped walking, being near the hospital and no longer helping Maruki anyway, then simply said, [i]"I'll have an elemental jutsu prepared as soon as I can, Kirugetsu-sensei. My uncle heard I was being placed on your squad, and took pride in it. I believe he has something waiting for me. I will pick it up, then immediately begin working on developing a new jutsu. When it is ready, I want to fight them - both."[/i][/indent] [center]And, with that, Kino was gone in a single Body Flicker. Although it was doubtful those two would pick it up, Kirugetsu might - as his honed senses most likely heard Shisen, and then picked up on the tension it created with Kino - have felt it. Kino was angry, and that anger spurred determination. Within his words was a trace of conviction...[/center] [hider=Later that day...] Kino kept in mind the reactions of his teammates. He never was one for people, aside from his brother. Most of the time, they either got in his way or were his superior, and there was rarely a line in between. Those who he trained with at the academy deserved to be chuunin. They beat him time after time, some of them effortlessly. He remembered only finishing seventh when he felt leagues ahead of those he beat. The line between those above him and those below him felt immense, and he always felt that was unfair. For them to treat him with such disdain... it sent mixed emotions through him, most of them the young shinobi had no idea how to deal with. Thus, out of frustration, Kino was left with mostly rage... Upon returning home, Kino was showered in applause. Most of them he shrugged off, aside from the infinite adulation from his brother. There was to be a large dinner that night for him, plenty of steak as well as some of the finer imported fish. His uncle's business was doing well, and his uncle often doted on the success of Kino being part of the reason for that. Kino used equipment only from his uncle, and being one of the best in his class led to that equipment being sponsored quite well. This time, Kino was adorned with even greater gifts. A new gauntlet. It was lighter and the seals were engraved into the panels instead of just plated on. Additionally, it was a more traditional red color with a light brass trim. If anything, the greatest addition was the ability to summon four new bows, all of which Kino would have to get acquainted with later. Dawning the new gauntlet, Kino had another goal to set out on: finding his chakra nature. Kino set out for the library were he requested their stores of scrolls and papers, showed his ninja registration and essentially requested some of the paper made from the trees cultivated by the Nara but grown by the Senju. The paper was a rare commodity now as the trees used to grow it were all destroyed outside of their seasons by Sai, but the material was far from gone. It would only take a few years for the trees to grow back and the few Senju left with Wood Release often force-grew more, albeit with less potency or side-effects, such as the case with the wood itself. After essentially proving who he was, attaining the simple piece of paper was simple, but its answer to him was a little more complex: it wrinkled. [center][i]"Lightning Release... I can work with that...[/i][/center] Kino then checked out a series of books on the topic of Lightning Release and chakra molding, but they were far and few between. Most were general books wrote recently by some of old scholars or reprinted texts saved by some older shinobi. Either way, the books weren't of the finest quality, but Kino was sure he was doing more than his comrades would in attempting to learn - or in this case create - a new jutsu. Kino kept in mind a simple fact... he was an archer. They expected arrows. But, shinobi should always have the element of surprise.[/hider]