[@Tenma Tendo]Your character's backstory needs to expanded upon especially considering he's a eastern mage. The London Clocktower primarily deals in western magecraft. Is there any reason they specifically went out of their way to pick a young man like him over the numerous other more experienced magi out there aside from his absurd natural magical talent? [@CrystalApple] I'll bury the hatchet and just let you keep the mind's eye thing at B rank which is C until studied. In my personal opinion it shouldn't be there but I'll give you some leeway. However I'm still not sold on her being able to alter the memories of the people, or erase them. It basically could be used to cripple Red Faction the second any of their members makes a mistake. It also allows Assassin to basically force plot points of the storyline otherwise they'd be given nothing from their noble phantasm. On one hand it may even lead one of the enemy masters to flat out turn on Grey. I won't reveal why because it'd be a spoiler but the moment he/she loses the reason for why they're fighting for Grey is the moment they ask themselves 'why am I helping these people? They're not in my moral spectrum', and thus inerts one of Red's prime mages. The reason you're trying to give is for members of our faction, since you don't know the enemy faction as of yet, but for the most part red faction operates more on the aggressive side. If you take out the memory wiping, and just have him deal magical 'stab' damage against enemies (as long as it's not automatically fatal) along with the healing factor I'll be fine with it. As while it sounds good on paper for assassin in the line of the plot it could be used to irreparably damage red faction if he can find the enemy masters. Because if I accept this how it is then I'm going to have to try to roll around with the fact that assassin is capable of taking out memories which is one of a handful of reasons canon Jack the Ripper is not allowed besides her (jack's) instant kill phantasm.